Digital Payments

Google Pay , Phonepe and Pytam Number :- 9785787745

Your payment made through these means is completely secure.

Account Details

Pay token amount for booking confirmation

Account Details 


Bank Name :- State Bank Of India

Type :- Saving Account

AC Number:- 20203682336

ifsc Code :- SBIN0000603

Online Payment Options

Welcome to Arya Cab Taxi Booking You Can Booking From Jaipur Or Rajasthan And Other Cities For This In Arya Cab You Can Booking By Paying Token Money Through Paytm Google Pay, Phone Pay, Cash And Net Banking. You can confirm your booking by paying us through these means, the payment made by you and the travel list will be sent to email from your WhatsApp number tex.

The payment made by you for the booking is secure and will be deducted from the total payment for your journey. You can also make the booking payment to the driver in the journey, if the driver has to pay for fuel and tolls in any way If you need to, you can also do a payment cash to the driver.

We wish you a pleasant happy journey at Arya Cab Taxi Service .